2020 Tattoo Art Activity Book
While we’re spending more time indoors, let’s do something fun, that really helps pass the time, and gives us a sweet sense of nostalgia… COLORING!
Starting on April 1st, Ultimate Tattoo Supply & World Famous Tattoo Ink will release FREE downloadable PDFs versions of “2020 Tattoo Art Activity Book” and we invite you and your families to share your coloring page of the day for 30 days, and a winner will be announced on May 1st.
We encourage all to participate and make it your own! Download for free individually or click the 'Download All' button to download a zip file of all the images below plus the solutions to the connect the dots and crossword puzzles!
“All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.”– Bob Ross
Please keep in mind that by downloading these images/art work, you agree to be cool and comply with the copyright laws. These images are for personal use only and cannot be used in any other way without written permission from UTS and the artist. Thanks for understanding and let's have some fun.