Customers and Friends, 

What’s happening across the world is unprecedented and while I’m certain that the wellbeing of your family and employees is your primary focus at this moment, I also know thatyou’re adapting to support your business and customers amid the constant changesbrought on by the crisis. We’re doing the same here at World Famous, Perma Blend,Kuro Sumi and Ultimate Tattoo Supply and I want to share with you how we’re managingthis internally while continuing to prioritize our valued customers. 

We are committed to maintaining a strong partnership with our customers through thisdifficult time and we understand that you rely on a consistent flow of our products inorder to meet your needs. We also appreciate that many of you have taken precautionsto control the spread of the virus and believe we too have a responsibility to ourcustomers, employees and communities to do the same. As such, we have implementedseveral policies and guidelines to limit contact, further enhance cleanliness and generallyreduce the chance of exposure to our employees and the customers we serve. We arestaying up to date with the latest guidance from the CDC, WHO and other governmentalauthorities and will adjust our policies and guidelines accordingly. 

We appreciate your partnership and recognize that in many ways we are all in thistogether. Should you have any questions or requests, please don’t hesitate to reach outand let us know. We are confident we will emerge from this difficult period stronger thanever and look forward to serving you for many years to come. 


Lou Rubino
World Famous Tattoo Ink 

Perma Blend 

Kuro Sumi Tattoo Ink 

Ultimate Tattoo Supply