10 Things To Do In Your Downtime

10 Things To Do In Your Downtime

As the weeks have passed, with all of us social distancing and in quarantine, we can imagine that ideas are running thin regarding finding productive and proactive things to do.

We feel you.

To try to help ease the grind and pass the time, w have compiled a short list of 10 things to do during this downtime, to help keep you proactive, productive and creative.

Here's the list:

    1. Create, Create, Create
    • Create social media posts, artwork and videos for your followers. This is the time to connect with your audience 
  1. Master The Art of Self-Video 
    • Some of the best performing posts are time-lapse videos. There are platforms that  pay artists for content like this, such as Patreon.
    • Remember to record in well-lit areas.
    • Use large white boards, canvases or sheets of paper to reflect light back and illuminate the room.
    • Experiment in short videos and mark your spot to ensure consistency in staging.
    • Back up your videos to your computer, external drive or a cloud-based storage.
    • If you are unsure of how to edit your videos, seek out a freelancer.
    1. Take An Online Class
      • Learn some new skills. Great sties such as Coursera, Udemy and YouTube have free classes.
      1. Work On Your Ergonomics
        1. Create To-Do Lists For Your Business
        2. Update Your Consent Forms
          • Protect your work and studio employees by making sure your consent forms are up to date.
          1. Develop Incentives For Returning Clients
            • Create a referral system
            • Consider asking your clients for a review or referral
            1. Work On Best Practices For Your Business
            2. Update Your Website and Social Media
              • Update your online portfolio social media channels with your best and most recent work
              • Create, update or highlight your policies to let your clients know that you are focused on their safety.
              1. Enter an Online Contest or Participate in a Online or Social Media Activity

              Hopefully some these recommendations can keep you busy, proactive and prepared. 


              Stay Safe. Stay Strong. Stay Home. 


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