In this modern age, we often find ourselves discovering new trends and ideas through various social media platforms. For most of the population, checking your Instagram or Facebook is a regular part of your day, with this element in mind, we decided to take a closer look at a couple of the pros and cons of social media platforms.

Photo by: Oleg Ivanov
Pro: The Convenience of Insta-messaging
With the rise in Instagram's popularity, it's not too shocking to find it's one of the most common ways people are now contacting tattoo artists. For some, booking on Instagram skips previous steps such as going into a studio and searching through flash when instead you can skim through an artist's Instagram page. Some feel slightly more intimidating asking questions in a shop so for them, this is more ideal.

Photo by: Derick Anies
Con: No Guaranteed Insta-response
There's still a benefit in going and discussing your tattoo in-person with an artist, you might have to wait a few minutes but you will get a response. Tattoo artists on Instagram can have so many messages and message requests that you might get a faster response over the phone or with the more direct approach of an in-person consultation.

Photo by: Manuel Silva
Pro: Promotions at your fingertips
Social media has worked as a free advertising tool for artists and a way for them to promote their portfolios.

Photo by: Vaory Photography
Con: Everything looks better online
Another social media speed bump is the filters used on Instagram to enhance images, of course, most artists avoid using filters or over-editing their images, it still happens.

Photo by: Prateek Katyal
So, there's good and bad that comes along with this new media-filled world. Facebook and Instagram can keep people connected and bring together artists from across the globe. What do you think of social media? The good? The bad? Comment below!
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