The Ultimate Collaboration - Meet BAA

The Ultimate Collaboration - Meet BAA

"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." - Amy Poehler

 The Ultimate Collaboration - Meet BAA

The Body Art Alliance (BAA) is a family of leading brands and companies that challenge and inspire each other to reach a new and exciting level. This alliance was formed with the purpose of better serving the artist community through education, best practices, innovation, research, and development, as well as superior customer service. The alliance is comprised of FK Irons, World Famous, Neo Metal/Norsco, and Painful Pleasures, bringing together a portfolio of beloved brands, such as Microbeau, Perma Blend, FK Irons, World Famous Tattoo Ink, Ultimate Tattoo Supply, Neo Metal, Peak, Precision, Recovery, and Vertix.

The Ultimate Collaboration - Meet BAA

We are thrilled about the new opportunities that our alliance will create for our artists, partners, distributors, and customers, as we remain dedicated to maintaining the quality of products and services that you have come to expect. 


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