Celebrating Veganuary - World Famous Tattoo Ink

Celebrating Veganuary - World Famous Tattoo Ink

What is Veganuary? It is a month-long challenge that provides information about the benefits of veganism and how to get started. Many people think that veganism ends with what we eat, but there is so much more to it. In a larger sense, it's looking into what's in the products we use every day. In honor of Veganuary, we'll be highlighting our most popular, vegan-friendly products. From pigments to aftercare, you will have something new to try.

Today we're talking about World Famous Tattoo Ink! 

World Famous Tattoo Ink

World Famous comes from 50 years of experience and dedication to the tattoo industry with a mission to provide artists with reliable, versatile inks to take their tattoos to the next level. 

World Famous Inks are backed by the most sought after artists around the globe because they amplify their designs, evolving them into something darker, bolder, brighter and stronger. They offer the best Vegan-friendly Tattoo Ink on the market. Our ink is non-toxic and animal cruelty-free.

World Famous Tattoo Ink

What's your favorite World Famous Ink or Ink Set? Comment below! Check back with us to see which vegan-friendly product we'll be spotlighting next! 


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