Five Things You Might Not Know About COVID-19

Five Things You Might Not Know About COVID-19

New information is coming out seemingly every day about COVID-19. We want to do our part to help artists, clients, and shop owners stay informed. Please note we pride ourselves on using current and reliable sources. Below we've listed a few facts about COVID-19 and our info is retrieved directly from the CDC, World Health Organization, Atrium Health, and The National Institutes of Health.

5. What's on the Surface

According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, CDC, UCLA and Princeton University scientists (featured in The New England Journal of Medicine) the virus can be detected on surfaces for varying lengths of time. It was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours. Detectable on copper for up to four hours. Detectable on cardboard for up to 24 hours. Detectable on plastic and stainless steel for up to two to three days. (You can check out the full article Here).

4. Self-Checks

A commonly searched idea is checking yourself for COVID-19. An emerging misconception is being able to confirm COVID-19 with an at-home breathing exercise. (Please do not try this). Luckily, the CDC has provided people with a symptoms & testing guide on their website here. 

3. COVID-19 versus allergies/other colds

According to the World Health Organization, the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, tiredness, and fever. Unfortunately, some of the symptoms are similar to other ailments like seasonal allergies or bronchitis. Various health care providers, such as Atrium Health, have posted helpful charts to assist concerned individuals in seeing the differences in symptoms. 

2. Your Health is in Your Hands

It might sound silly, but some people might not be taking enough time to wash their hands. The CDC has provided the public with How To Wash Your Hands to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and also how often you should wash them during this time. Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and the people around you.

 1. Take Time Out For Your Emotional Health

While not everyone might not directly have COVID-19, this is still something that is affecting everyone. It can be a stressful time and dealing efficiently with stress will help make you and the people around you. The CDC has a page Here for individuals seeking help managing stress and tips for helping others reduce their stress. And we also welcome artists and their families to participate in fun, creative projects like the Tattoo Art Activity Coloring Book and #Flashthetime with us.


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